Navigating Our Stories Together
The Pacific Islands Screen Artists Group (Est. 2020) is a not-for-profit incorporated society that supports, encourages and promotes individuals of Pacific Islands heritage working in the New Zealand Screen sectors at all stages of their journey.
· Faka’apa’apa - Underlying our mission is respect for all screen art disciplines and to see the value in each; but also to show respect to the often overlooked individuals within the strands of each discipline.
· Va’a Tautua - We will be loud and proud while being respectful. We will advocate for our members to ensure that they have a voice within the screen sector where their contributions are acknowledged and respected and the pathways provided not only to exist but to excel in the screen industry.
· Lumana’i fou - We will provide opportunities for individuals to improve and learn about their craft. And not simply echoing the paths of those before but finding new ones in an ever changing landscape.
· Solesolevaki - We will provide a space to gather and socialise. The Pacific Islands strength and joy comes from numbers. The generosity of sharing spirit and experiences, in an industry that leans towards championing individual accomplishments, PISA seeks to hold up the ability to gather as a collective to be just as powerful and meaningful.