NIU Waves 2024 is a Development initiative created by Pacific Islands Screen Artists Inc. (PISA) and supported by NZ On Air. It has been designed by PISA from the ground up with a dedication to creating and consolidating a Pasifika approach to screen development.
NIU Waves 2024 will focus on supporting THREE teams through a focused development process with each team receiving Development funding of NZD$25,000 each. The outcome for each team is to develop their idea into a complete treatment, pilot script or proposal by December 2024.
FEE: There is no fee to apply or attend. This programme is supported by NZ on Air.
NOTE: Travel assistance will be available for all successful teams based outside of Auckland. There is also a budget for childcare allowance for participants who require this.
Applications open: 28th May 2024
Applications close: 01st July 2024, 10am (NZST)
Successful teams notified: 13th July 2024
Teams must be available to attend all the NIU Waves workshops on the following dates:
A Rising Tide Lifts all Vaka Workshop Date: 20th July 2024 (Auckland or online)
NIU WAVES Development Workshop Dates: 26th, 27th & 28th July 2024 (Auckland)
NIU WAVES Check-ins: August - November 2024 (x4 online sessions)
Further details are outlined below and we encourage interested applicants to attend our NIU WAVES 2024 Q&A Zoom call on 10th June 2024 - Register via www.pisa.org.nz - Events page, to secure your spot.
Teams must have two of the three Above the Line roles (i.e. Producer, Writer, Director) filled by a person who is of Pacific Islands descent.
The team's writer, director and producer are New Zealand citizens or permanent residents of New Zealand.
The producer attached to this project must be separate from the director attached.
This initiative is aimed towards mid-career practitioners, but a team with emerging talent partnered with experienced practitioners will also be considered. (Examples of how we define 'Mid Career': A practitioner who has had experience working in the Screen industry but has perhaps not applied for funding before. A practitioner who may have made their own content/work and has not come through the NZ On Air funding route.) - If you are unsure please get in touch.
Projects we are seeking are scripted series projects.
Applications CLOSE 01st July 2024, 10am (NZST). No late applications will be accepted.
To apply for NIU Waves you will need to complete this Application Form:
The application will require the following:
Key Contact Details: First & Last Name, Role, Email Address, Phone Number
Team Video - Please submit a 2minute (max. 2mins) Team video outlining the following:
A brief introduction of your team
Why your team wants to make this project and why you want to make it now?
*Please ensure your file size is no more than 10MB or submit your video via a link (please include Password)
Team Bios and CVs - Each team member is required to submit their Bio and CV.
Team Details: Production Company – Is your team applying under a Production company? If so, please include the company name.
Projects – All teams are required to submit the following information for TWO scripted projects:
Title of project
Logline - A logline is a focused summary of your story and is no more than one sentence.
Synopsis (max. 500 words) – A synopsis is a summary of your story. It should give us a short outline of the story and include the ending.
Format e.g. 6 x 15min episodes
Indicative budget – How much do you think your project will cost? We know it can be a difficult question to answer but we just want your best guess at this stage – no pressure.
Audience - Who is your audience and on which platform do you think they will watch this on? (one paragraph).
Visual Treatment (optional) – (x1page max.)
Similar Shows/Content – Give three examples of shows/content similar to your proposed project.
Questions asked at our Q&A session:
If I have already applied for development funding from NZ on Air can I use the same project to apply for Niu Waves?
(Updated): - Important to Note: You can use the same project to apply for NIU Waves but you will not be able to receive funding for both - in its current state. You will be able to apply for further development funding for the same project after you have completed the requirements of the development funding you have received.
- In relation to the timing of this question specifically - if you have currently applied for development funding from NZ on Air and apply with the same project for NIU Waves - you will find out if you are successful with Niu Waves before you find out about the outcome of your current development application.
In this situation, NZ on Air will not allow you to receive a second lot of development funding for the same project in its current state. But (keep reading) after you have completed development with Niu Waves - you can use that same project to apply for future development funding from NZ on Air. Being part of NIU Waves will not prohibit the ability to apply for future development for the same project from NZ on Air.
Is it scripted series for ANY platforms? Including socials? Instagram, TikTok?"
- Yes, must be a scripted series for any platform - note that a platform is not required for this application. And you may find that during development your chosen platform may change as you refine your idea.
Does the project need to be based in New Zealand? Could the story be based in another part of the world?
-The idea itself does not need to be based in NZ, but keep in mind that NZ on Air funding is for the development of ideas for NZ screens and using NZ talent, in front of and behind the camera; so your story may take place in another part of the world but still be filmed in NZ.
Do you have to be a writer or director to apply? And do you have to have script fully written?
- You do not have to be a writer or director to apply - you may be a producer. This development initiative - is aimed at what is referred to as 'above the line' roles - a writer, director or producer: applications must be made by a 'team' fulfilling these three roles. Minimum team number is two people. For example, one person is a producer and the other is a writer/director - or - a producer/writer and a director. Nb: A person cannot be a producer and director as the workload is too much for this particular iniative.
Any specific themes / elements that have to be in these scripts ?
- No prescribed themes or elements required in your idea - also no script is required for this application.
If the writers live in Australia and the USA, can we still apply? One writer lives in Auckland, NZ as well?
- If they are NZ citizens/permanent residents they may apply -but they must also be available to attend - in person - the compulsory development workshops. We are only able to provide travel assistance for NZ domestic travel.
Does a producer need to be attached at this stage?
- Yes.
Can we submit more than 1 application?
- Yes, but a maximum of two.
Are we eligible if we were in the pilot programme?
- Yes.
Does our idea have to incorporate Pasifika content?
- No - Pasifika content not required.
If you have any questions (whatever it maybe) regarding NIU WAVES 2024 please email: info@pisa.org.nz and we look forward to receiving your applications!